Monday, April 13, 2009

Blount County, Alabama Cocaine Drug Charge Criminal Defense attorneys. Call (866) 348-2889.

The State of Alabama and Blount County is not especially tolerant or forgiving of cocaine offenses. Depending on how much you have in your possession at the time you’re stopped and searched, you will face felony drug charges. If you are under the influence of cocaine at the time a police officer stops you, you may face DUI or public intoxication charges in addition to the drug charges. And conviction on any or all of those charges can devastate your life and ravage your future.

Convicted and sentenced on a Blount County, Alabama cocaine charge, you face possible jail time, fines and court costs, suspension or revocation of your driver’s license, and mandatory referral to drug rehabilitation classes. Even if it’s your first offense, you could spend some time in jail. You may lose your job, and you probably will be disqualified from better jobs in the future, because employers have zero tolerance for drug use. You may also forfeit or be disqualified from student loans.

If you’re charged with a Blount County, Alabama cocaine crime, you need skilled, experienced, aggressive legal representation. You need a defense attorney from the Kreps Law Firm, LLC. The attorneys at Kreps Law Firm, LLC, handle hundreds of Alabama Marijuana Drug Crimes, driving under the influence (DUI), and related traffic violation cases each and every year. Our trained, experienced, aggressive Cocaine and Crack Laws Violation attorneys will fight to protect your rights and to keep your record clean.

Call us today at (888) KREPS-LAW, or visit us at: Get the advice and counsel you need. Get the experienced and aggressive representation you deserve. Call TODAY!

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