Thursday, April 2, 2009

Facing serious charges for possession of marijuana or any other drug in Blount County, Alabama? Call Kreps (866) 348-2889

Many people believe marijuana is harmless, a recreational drug with few if any after-effects or serious consequences. Many people believe marijuana helps them relax and control their stress; some people even claim a good smoke helps them “see things more clearly.” If, however, you are stopped, searched, and charged with a Blount County, Alabama marijuana offense, you will need clear vision to cope with the serious consequences and lingering effects of your arrest. In the law’s eyes, marijuana is anything but harmless.

In Blount County, Alabama, steep fines and harsh penalties as in place for marijuana crimes. Especially if you have compounded your offense by driving under the influence, you face not only penalties stemming from the drug charges but also fines and jail time from the serious traffic violations. One “harmless” mistake may yield a long list of charges and a lifetime’s regret. The consequences of conviction on all these charges are hardly “no big deal.”

At Kreps Law Firm, LLC, our attorneys give your case the serious attention it deserves, examining every detail of your arrest and the prosecutors’ case against you. Mounting aggressive defense and using sophisticated tactics, our attorneys will dedicate their best efforts to getting your charges dismissed or reduced.

The attorneys at Kreps Law Firm, LLC, handle hundreds of Alabama Marijuana Drug Crimes, driving under the influence (DUI) , and related traffic violation cases each and every year. Our trained, experienced, aggressive Marijuana Laws Violation attorneys will fight to protect your rights and to keep your record clean.

Call us today at (888) KREPS-LAW, or visit us at: or . Get the advice and counsel you need. Get the experienced and aggressive representation you deserve. Call TODAY!

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