Thursday, April 2, 2009

Do not think that pleading guilty to your Blount County, Alabama Marijuana Charge is no big deal. Call Kreps at (866) 348-2889

Three common misconceptions have grown-up around marijuana and other drug-related charges…

1. Pleading guilty is no big deal.

Pleading guilty to any crime is a big deal, and a guilty plea in a marijuana case inevitably results in suspension of your driver’s license for six months, possible jail time, fines, and mandatory drug classes. Think about sitting in jail, paying large fines and costs, doing without your car for six months--having to make other arrangements for transport to school and work will become a very big deal over the course of six months.

2. If it’s just in my car and not mine, I won’t get busted.

When the police find marijuana in a motor vehicle and they cannot ascertain to whom it belongs, they assume it belongs to everybody. The police will charge everybody in the car with possession. Although the claim “It’s not mine!” lays the foundation for a good defense, it’s difficult to mount that defense without an attorney’s assistance. You must be certain that you do so correctly.

3. Every case treated pretty much the same way.

Two cases involving identical charges may receive radically different treatment and yield radically different outcomes, because cases are examined on the merits. In order to assure your case gets the fair and impartial hearing it deserves, and in order to make certain you benefit from the strongest possible defense, you definitely should retain an attorney. Our attorneys have experience with drug-related cases, so they know exactly how to advocate on your behalf.

The attorneys at Kreps Law Firm, LLC, handle hundreds of Alabama Marijuana Drug Crimes, driving under the influence (DUI) , and related traffic violation cases each and every year. Our trained, experienced, aggressive Marijuana Laws Violation attorneys will fight to protect your rights and to keep your record clean.

Call us today at (888) KREPS-LAW, or visit us at: or . Get the advice and counsel you need. Get the experienced and aggressive representation you deserve. Call TODAY!

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